Developing Twitches One Of My Gerbils Seems To Have Developed A Twitch?
One of my gerbils seems to have developed a twitch? - developing twitches
Every few days I see, and it will shake by approximately 10 seconds to go easily. What is the cause? will worsen? That is what we need to see a vet?
It seems that will have your child what they can "small-epileptic seizures. (Sp), your child should visit a vet, and fast.
Without seeing your baby at first hand, it is difficult to try to diagnose anything online.
You feel better when the child receives the approval of the veterinarian. Good luck. I'm sure everything will go well.
Is that your gerbil to jump arrested 3-4 times then go? This is normal, bumps and alert, excellent performance.
However, gerbils are susceptible to frost in the fall of attack and then goes limp contractions. They occur most commonly around puberty. Stress is an important factor in the cause. Sometimes the act of choosing your Guinea Pig is cause May. But they decline and disappear in general, often used as gerbils mature and get the things. Nothing to do for them. If you are a crisis of your breeding and close relatives must be removed for signs of a crisis should be observed.
it depends on the age gerbil UR ... I was .. as I too old, but if not, take him to the vet immediately ... my rabbit now, but vet said that because he is old ... He said that the nerves and the distribution of oxygen is not a good thing ...
Jella M
already a good awnser totally agree. Get it by imeditly had one for 50 days after the contractions started and hide then died shortly thereafter. So do not hesitate. Which area do you want to live there? Maybe you could find a small animal? I have a Magizine with many in all states?
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